
Case Study: J

on May 18, 2018 Category: Case Studies

Our son, J was diagnosed as being on the Autism Spectrum Disorder at the age of 3 years 10 months by Bimal in 2009. In 2009, J presented as a child would initiate but only for his needs. he was highly resistant to his parental guidance and this was exhibited by his controlling and disengaging behavior where attempts would be made to terminate from the interaction. J would also not initiate any form of interaction with his parents.

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Case Study: F

on March 5, 2018 Category: Case Studies

We were skeptics about every possible therapy and route that was available out there to help our little girl. The mere use of terms like “treatment” was upsetting for us parents. After deciding to give RDI® a shot and encouraged by Bimal to read and understand more about the program, we began to see hope and hard work was no longer a barrier. We took to the program very quickly.

Slowly but surely, with nothing less than consistency and constant guidance from Bimal, we got our little girl back. Our daughter’s turn around was tremendous, we could not be more grateful for anything. Till today, we are equipped with skills and still learning new ways to keep and maintain that relationship every parent dreams of having with their children. Thank you REACh Therapy and Bimal.

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Case Study: Y

on August 30, 2017 Category: Case Studies

We first met Bimal in October 2007, when our son, Y, had just turned 5. By that time we had already been studying autism for more than one year. Due to limited information and resources as well as almost zero services for autistic kids in our country, all we knew about autism interventions was a little bit about ABA. During a 1-hour consultation with Bimal we heard about very important point – “quality of life”. Bimal explained to us what were the core deficits of autism. We could look deeper into the deficits rather than just seeing signs and symptoms.

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